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Guide to Completing the Application Form

Read through all information on all of the POSE pages. 

Form must be completed IN PHASE ONE FOUND here.

It is crucial for us to maintain a professional appearance across the POSE with City Arts Portsmouth Guidebook, website, and social media to attract visitors. Please carefully read and adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your application form.

Artist Statement: Your statement should be succinct, just 40 words to persuade visitors to visit your POSE location!

Here are some key points:

  • Stick to the 40-word limit; the web-based form won't allow you to exceed it.

  • Write in the third person for consistency, e.g., "Michel Bolt is a printmaker, intersted in colour and its affects. He works in monotype and collage"

  • Include a brief introduction about yourself, your work, and your inspiration. Refer to online examples for guidance.

  • Before submission, thoroughly proofread for spelling, typos, and grammar. Have someone else review it as well.

Images (3 in total): You may submit two images for the website, but only one will be used for the POSE with City Arts Portsmouth Guidebook. Choose your images thoughtfully; they are crucial for attracting visitors.

Additionally, we request one image of you working in your studio to enhance our guidebook and social media presence.

Keep in mind that the quality of your image reflects on POSE as a whole. We reserve the right to reject low-quality images.

Key points to consider:

  • The image for the guidebook must be SQUARE to maintain consistency.

  • Aim to use images of recent work.

  • Ensure your image is sharp and free from glare, a good tip is to always document your work BEFORE framing.

  • Use adequate lighting, preferably natural light.

  • Opt for a non-distracting background.

  • If undecided, consider creating a collage, but be mindful of the small size in the guidebook.

  • Submit images in JPEG or PDF format with a resolution 300dpi and between 1-3.5MB file size. 

  • Include your name in the image filenames, as stipulated in the application form. 

  • Each image file should be no larger than 5 MB Preferably 3.5mb and must be in jpg, png or pdf file format

  • Shorter side must be no smaller than 1024px

  • Longer side must be no bigger than 2024px

Website/Social Media Links: Provide links to pages dedicated to your artwork, not personal social media profiles.

Double-check the links for accuracy before submitting the application, as there is a fee for changes once submitted. 

You will also be required to upload a copy of your public liability insurance ensuring it is in date at the time of POSE,

25,26 & 27th October 2024. You will not be able to participate without this. If you current one will expire before then, please contact us. 

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